Wayne Sousa's Selected Publications
Dangremond, E. M., Feller, I. C., & Sousa, W. P. 2015. Environmental tolerances of rare and common mangroves along light and salinity gradients. Oecologia, 1-12.
Asner, G.P., J. Mascaro, C. Anderson, D.E. Knapp, R.E. Martin, T. Kennedy-Bowdoin, M. van Breugel, S. Davies, J.S. Hall, H.C. Muller-Landau, C. Potvin, W. Sousa, J. Wright, and E. Bermingham. 2013. High-fidelity national carbon mapping for resource management and REDD+. Carbon Balance and Management 2013, 8:7.
Sousa, W.P. and E.M. Dangremond. 2011. Trophic interactions in coastal and estuarine mangrove forest ecosystems. Pages 43-93 in J. Luczkovich and J. Wilson, eds., Trophic relationships of coastal and estuarine ecosystems, Volume 6, Chapter 6 of E. Wolanski and D.S. McLusky, eds., Treatise on estuarine and coastal science.: Academic Press, Waltham, MA
Metz, M. R., Sousa, W. P., & Valencia, R. 2010. Widespread density-dependent seedling mortality promotes species coexistence in a highly diverse Amazonian rain forest. Ecology, 91(12), 3675-3685.
Wang, L. E., & Sousa, W. P. 2009. Distinguishing mangrove species with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5), 1267-1281.
Wang, L., J.L. Silván Cárdenas, and W.P. Sousa. 2008. Neural network classification of mangrove species from multiseasonal IKONOS imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 74:921-927
Krauss, K. W., Lovelock, C. E., McKee, K. L., López-Hoffman, L., Ewe, S. M., & Sousa, W. P. 2008. Environmental drivers in mangrove establishment and early development: a review. Aquatic Botany, 89(2), 105-127.
Wang, L., Silván-Cárdenas, J. L., & Sousa, W. P. 2008. Neural network classification of mangrove species from multi-seasonal Ikonos imagery.Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 74(7), 921-927.
Sousa, W. P., Kennedy, P. G., Mitchell, B. J., & Ordóñez L, B. M. 2007. Supply-side ecology in mangroves: do propagule dispersal and seedling establishment explain forest structure?. Ecological Monographs, 77(1), 53-76
Kennedy, P. G., & Sousa, W. P. 2006. Forest encroachment into a Californian grassland: examining the simultaneous effects of facilitation and competition on tree seedling recruitment. Oecologia, 148(3), 464-474.
Thomsen, M., C. D'Antonio, K.B. Suttle, and W.P. Sousa. 2006. Ecological resistance, seed density, and their interactions determine patterns of invasion in a California coastal grassland. Ecology Letters 9:160-170.
Wang, L., W.P. Sousa, P. Gong, and G.S. Biging. 2004. Comparison of IKONOS and QuickBird images for mapping mangrove species on the Caribbean coast of Panama . Remote Sensing of Environment 91:432-440.
Wang, L., W.P. Sousa, and P. Gong. 2004. Integration of object-based and pixel-based classification for mangrove mapping with IKONOS imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25:5655-5668.
Sousa, W.P., P.G. Kennedy, and B.J. Mitchell. 2003. Propagule size and predispersal damage by insects affect establishment and early growth of mangrove seedlings. Oecologia 135:564-575.
Sousa, W.P., S.P. Quek, and B.J. Mitchell. 2003. Regeneration of Rhizophora mangle in a Caribbean mangrove forest: interacting effects of canopy disturbance and a stem-boring beetle. Oecologia 137: 436-445.
Gilbert,G.S. and W.P. Sousa. 2002. Host specialization among wood-decay polypore fungi in a Caribbean mangrove forest.Biotropica 34:396-404.
Sousa, W.P. 2001. Natural disturbance and the dynamics of marine benthic communities. Pages 85-130 in M.D. Bertness, S. Gaines, and M.E. Hay, eds. Marine Community Ecology, Sinauer Assoc., Sunderland , MA .
Sousa, W.P. and B.J. Mitchell. 1999. The effect of seed predators on plant distributions: is there a general pattern in mangroves? Oikos 86:55-66.
Blaustein, A.R., D.B. Wake, and W.P. Sousa. 1994. Amphibian declines: judging stability, persistence, and susceptibility of populations to local and global extinctions. Conservation Biology 8:60-71.
Sousa, W.P. 1994. Interactive versus isolationist helminth communities reconsidered: a reply to V. Haukisalmi. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 344-345.
Sousa, W.P. 1994. Patterns and processes in communities of helminth parasites. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 52-57.
Sousa, W.P. 1993. Interspecific antagonism and species coexistence in a diverse guild of larval trematode parasites.Ecological Monographs 63:103-128.
Sousa, W.P. 1993. Size-dependent predation on the salt-marsh snail Cerithidea californica Haldeman. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 166:19-37.
Sousa, W.P. 1992. Interspecific interactions among larval trematode parasites of freshwater and marine snails. American Zoologist 32:583-592.
Sousa, W.P. and J.H. Connell. 1991. Grazing and succession. Pages 425-441 in D.M. John, S.J. Hawkins, and J.H. Price, eds. Plant-Animal Interactions in the Marine Benthos, Systematics Association Special Volume No. 46, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Sousa, W.P. 1991. Can models of soft-sediment community structure be complete without parasites? American Zoologist31:821-830.
Sousa, W.P. and E.D. Grosholz. 1990. The influence of habitat structure on the transmission of parasites. Pages 300-324 in S.S. Bell, E.D. McCoy, and H.R. Mushinsky, eds. Habitat Structure: The Physical Arrangement of Objects in Space, Chapman and Hall, London .
Sousa, W.P. 1990. Spatial scale and the processes structuring a guild of larval trematode parasites. Pages 41-67 in G.W. Esch, A.O. Bush, and J.M. Aho, eds. Parasite Communities: Patterns and Processes. Chapman and Hall, London.
Sousa, W.P. and M. Gleason. 1989. Does parasitic infection compromise host survival under extreme environmental conditions: the case for Cerithidea californica (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)? Oecologia 80:456-464.
Flessa, K.W. et al. 1986. Causes and consequences of extinction. Group report from Dahlem Conference No. 36, Pages 235-257 in D.M. Raup and D. Jablonski, eds. Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Springer-Verlag , Berlin.
Foster, M.S. and W.P. Sousa. 1985. Succession. Pages 269-290 in M.M. Littler and D.S. Littler, eds. Handbook of Phycological Methods--Ecological Field Methods: Macroalgae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge .
Sousa, W.P. 1985. Disturbance and patch dynamics on rocky intertidal shores. Pages 101-124 in S.T.A. Pickett and P.S. White, eds. The Ecology of Natural Disturbance and Patch Dynamics. Academic Press, New York .
Sousa, W.P. and J.H. Connell. 1985. Further comments on the evidence for multiple stable points in natural communities.American Naturalist 125:612-615.
Sousa, W.P. 1984. Intertidal mosaics: patch size, propagule availability, and spatially variable patterns of succession. Ecology 65:1918-1935.
Sousa, W.P. 1984. The role of disturbance in natural communities. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 15:353-391.
Sousa, W.P. 1983. Host life history and the effect of parasitic castration on growth: a field study of Cerithidea californica Haldeman (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) and its trematode parasites. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 73:273-296.
Connell, J.H. and W.P. Sousa. 1983. On the evidence needed to judge ecological stability or persistence. American Naturalist 121:789-824.
Sousa, W.P., S.C. Schroeter, and S.D. Gaines. 1981. Latitudinal variation in intertidal algal community structure: the influence of grazing and vegetative propagation. Oecologia 48:297-307.
Sousa, W.P. 1980. The response of a community to disturbance: the importance of successional age and species' life histories. Oecologia 45:72-81.
Sousa, W.P. 1979. Disturbance in marine intertidal boulder fields: the nonequilibrium maintenance of species diversity.Ecology 60:1225-1239.
Sousa, W.P. 1979. Experimental investigations of disturbance and ecological succession in a rocky intertidal algal community.Ecological Monographs 49:227-254. (ESA Mercer Award)
Book reviews
Sousa, W.P. 1982. Marine ecology for students. Science 217:49-50.