
Audrey Haynes

My current research focuses on the ecology and physiology of parasitic plants, particularly Castilleja, a genus of root hemi-parasites. I am also interested in conservation, environmental policy, and the impacts of climate change. 

Prior to coming to UC Berkeley, I graduated from Wesleyan University with degrees in Earth & Environmental Science and Environmental Studies. My undergraduate research projects focused on mercury contamination in Costa Rica, intraspecific variation in leaf traits in Cecropia schrebreriana in Puerto Rico, and impacts of dynamite fishing on coral reefs. 

My other true love is outdoor recreation and education. I've led numerous canoeing and backpacking trips for youth, up to six weeks in length in locales ranging from the Rocky Mountains to rivers in the Canadian Arctic. I'm most reliably found running the east bay trails with a political podcast in my ears and my hollie (husky-collie) by my side. 

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